Last modified Tuesday, February 8, 2011 3:08 pm

Digital Archive of Documents Related to Netting

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American Archaeology and Ethnology

Net Making, Goddard, Pliny Earle. American Archaeology and Ethnology, 1902, 5 pages. Note: Excerpt from "Life and Culture of the Hupa". Posted September 12, 2004. CD (HWDA10). SAMPLE PAGE. File size 708 KB PDF

Arts and Decoration

Darned Filet Net, Goodenough, Florence I. Arts and Decoration, February 1914, 1 page. Posted July 3, 2005. SAMPLE PAGE. File size 872 KB PDF

Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.

Net, ---. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911, 2 pages. Posted February 10, 2004. SAMPLE PAGE. File size 612 KB PDF


Dillmont, Thérèse de. The Net Work, DMC, 60 pages. Note: Scanned images provided by Tess Parrish. Posted August 7, 2005. SAMPLE PAGE. REVIEW. Part 1: File size 8.3 MB PDF. Part 2: File size 11.4 MB PDF.


---. Fancy Stitches, Butterick Publishing Co., 1902, 20 pages. Note: Scanned images provided by Tess Parrish. Posted November 17, 2005. SAMPLE PAGE. Part 1: File size 11.7 MB PDF. Part 2: File size 11.2 MB PDF.

Bremner, David. "Manufacture of Fish Nets" from Industries of Scotland, Adam and Charles Black, 1869, 9 pages. Posted April 18, 2004. CD (HWDA08). SAMPLE PAGE. File size 880 KB PDF

Brigham, William T. and Stokes, John F. G. Mat and Basket Weaving of the Ancient Hawaiians Described and Compared with the Basketry of the Other Pacific Islanders with an Account of Hawaiian Nets and Nettings, Bishop Museum Press, 1906, 197 pages. Posted November 7, 2004. CD (HWDA11). SAMPLE PAGE. Part 1: File size 9.2 MB PDF. Part 2: File size 9.4 MB PDF. Part 3: File size 7.8 MB PDF.

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